Friday, November 19, 2010

I will give love!!! life is too short to put too many walls...I will not front with love my heart is so open

It's been really drastic ..the lost of someone I barely knew.A new friend that
I just got the chance to know, that I will personaly never get the chance to get to know anymore than what I already  know.He has impact my ways to see life.I will miss him really much. So little time life is unpredictable.I am really inspirited to open my heart and to stop over thinking things because they can be gone at any given time.I am inspirited to love and to be love very much.When I saw him today to say my last goodbye it was something I couldn't hide I told him " I was disappointment that I didn't get the chance to make you laugh and that I was very sorry for not opening up to let him know that he had a friend".I was guarding myself from being miss judge and instead I judged the person that had high potential to be my great friend.I learned to know that behind that great wonderful person with a smile needs that great friendship support. Life take us in circles and it makes us look like arrogant people all we need is love, ears to listen to us and shoulder to lean. Rest in peace. You will be really miss.

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