Saturday, March 19, 2011

We Should Be Living Life's Every Momments

With the way everything is going in the World we should put closer attention to our lives more than ever.All our negativity ways should be cut out our lives in layer forms.I know its "easy said than done"  and you are right it isn't easy to get it done I'm not tell you it is going yo be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it!. Remeber it's just like Nike said "Just Do It".A lot of things in our live has been done by emotional decisions.Some people looks at emotion as a weak sign of action but don't be fooled it's fully charge with strong commands of getting an effective reaction. Emotions doesn't only stands for weak and hopeless for example if something or someone hurts  or rejoiced you in anyway type of way that you cant explain, now listen here is my question -  what would you do? yup that is the question because is all about how you react to the way such and such thing or person made you feel . It's either you let your emotion control you in a negative way or you can allow it to reward you in a positive way. Am not saying to be perfect but the choice is yours because we cant control the world but we can control ourselves first.

Tips few simple ways of how to Enjoy every moment of your life by Sylvia Englenton

  1. Turn the Music on!
  2. Do what the simple things that makes you happy (don't be so hard on yourself)
  3. Get out the house and get some air 
  4. Get involve with great people friends or family(the once that support you and loves you ) 
  5. Everything has its time and place but Please give yourself some time =D
  6. Declutter that mess in your life starting in your home

 Ways to control your emotions by Dr Silvia Hartmann

  1. Don't be afraid of your emotions, they're only ongoings in the energy system. "It's only an energy!"
  2. Pay attention to your emotions and your body feelings so you get to know how your emotions work.
  3. Build up your energy immune system so you are stronger and less likely to fall apart emotionally.
  4. Practice flowing away your emotions and feelings at least once every day. Practice makes perfect!
  5. Stop clamping down on your emotions and learn to let them flow fast, through and out again.

Am going to leave you for now with the

Definition of EMOTION

a obsolete : disturbance b : excitement
a : the affective aspect of consciousness : feeling b : a state of feeling c : a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body

Examples of EMOTION

  1. a display of raw emotion
  2. The defendant showed no emotion when the verdict was read.
  3. She was overcome with emotion at the news of her friend's death.

Origin of EMOTION

Middle French, from emouvoir to stir up, from Old French esmovoir, from Latin emovēre to remove, displace, from e- + movēre to move
First Known Use: 1579
Reference of the Definition of Emotion comes from the link here:

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